Branding business gifts for clients is an art. You want to add a little personal touch from your business, but go too far with the swag or with logo fever and it feels a little…over the top. Ultimately, the goal is to make your client feel good or feel appreciated. So, it’s key to make sure your client is kept at the center of your gift. But just because it can be a little impersonal or cheesy to send too many gifts with your company logo on it, doesn’t mean you can’t brand your business gifts in a classy way. If you use Fun Gift Boxes, we offer three tried-and-true ways to brand your client gifts successfully.
Option One: Brand the Gift Package & Notecard
This is one of our favorite ways to add your brand’s flare without going over-the-top. As the only gift box provider to offer full design services for your gift box, we think it’s important to be able to customize your boxes so you can add a personal touch.
So, why does this method work? Well, first of all, it’s just the packaging and the postcard. This is the part of the gift where you can add branding because it’s not expected that the client has to keep the box. But this is great for your company because it makes it clear who the gift is from and can be an option to really make the gift feel personal.
But this also lets you go beyond just a logo. You can create a custom design that matches your brand, including custom phrases, graphics, brand colors, and more.
Option Two: Put Your Logo on a Confection Item
We like this second option because it’s another way to customize the main gift without making it about you. These confection packages are gourmet sweets that go inside a gift box with other items inside. We allow you to add your logo on the food item to make it more personal.
Say, you want to send a gift box with chocolates in it, putting your logo on the chocolates themselves adds a personal touch without taking away from the gift itself. Remember, the goal is to not make client gifts feel like marketing. So, avoid going logo crazy! Keep it simple and the inserted logo labels will feel like a personalized and classy touch.
Option Three: Add One Small Swag Item In Addition to the Main Gift
We understand that you probably have all kinds of extra company swag lying around. Why not give it to your clients? Typically, we discourage our clients from adding most swag to a gift box because it really feels sales-y. But we think it can be a great, personal touch if you have fun, functional, or unique items that you can add into an already curated gift box.
For example, one of our clients had a box of wind-up dancing robots with their logo on it. It was a family-owned company, and the founder has a great sense of humor. And that’s something his clients love and appreciate. So, these little wind-up robots were a great addition to the gift. It was memorable and it was fun!
But you don’t need fun dancing robots lying around to do this well. A high-quality pen, socks (yes, some companies actually have branded socks!), pocket notebooks, and other things of that nature.
By adding one piece of swag to a gift box, you add the same personal flare as you would with options one or two, but you’re also adding utility. Giving functional swag is always better than giving ornamental swag because it feels more purposeful and thoughtful rather than a way to force your logo into their gift. But whatever you do, make sure the swag you choose compliments the rest of the items in the gift box, so it feels intentional.
Now What?
Your marketing team might not want to hear this, but sometimes giving gifts with your logo on it feels like a marketing gimmick. Save that swag for marketing events! It’ll be put to better use there. And that’s because gift giving is really about building and maintaining relationships.
Ready to make an impact with your business gifts? Get in touch. We’d love to help!